Monthly Activities
- GetSet4K Monthly Calendars - The Charlotte-Mecklenberg County Public Library (NC) provides a helpful month-by-month guide to school readiness.
- Reading is Fundamental Monthly Activity Calendars - These activity calendars provide engaging reading and writing activity suggestions to last an entire month. Also available in Spanish.
Websites to Explore
- Goodnight Stories - Online fairy tales, bedtime stories, and poems for children.
- Colors for Kids and Teachers - Songs, stories, activities, and facts, all about colors!
Books to Read
- 26 Letters and 99 Cents by Tana Hoban
- Ah ha! by Jeff Mack
- All the Pretty Little Horses: A Traditional Lullaby illustrated by Linda Saport
- Apples to Oregon: being the (slightly) true narrative of how a brave pioneer father brought apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, and cherries (and children) across the Plains by Deborah Hopkinson; illustrated by Nancy Carpenter
- Auntie Luce's Talking Paintings by Francie Latour; illustrated by Ken Daley
- Baby's First Book of Birds & Colors by Phyllis Limbacher Tildes
- Bear's Big Day by Salina Yoon
- Bear Sees Colors by Karma Wilson; illustrations by Jane Chapman
- Black on White by Tana Hoban
- Blue by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
- Blue Sky White Stars by Sarvinder Naverhaus; illustrated by Kadir Nelson
- Blue vs. Yellow by Tom Sullivan
- Brown Bear Color Book by Jane Foster
- Butterflies in Room 6: See How They Grow written and photographed by Caroline Arnold
- The Case of the Missing Chalk Drawings by Richard Byrne
- Colors by Shelley Rotner and Anne Woddhull; photographs by Shelley Rotner
- A Dollar, A Penny, How Much and How Many? by Brian P. Cleary
- Dr Seuss's Book of Colors
- Duck & Goose Colors by Tad Hills
- Except the Color Grey by Arlene Alda
- Flora and the Flamingo by Molly Idle
- Follow the Money! by Loreen Leedy
- Frog on a log? by Kes Gray and Jim Field
- From Egg to Sea Turtle by Lisa Owings
- Go! Go! Go! Stop! by Charise Mericle Harper
- Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
- Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
- Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson
- Here Comes Valentine Cat by Deborah Underwood; illustrated by Claudia Redua
- I Am Bear by Ben Bailey Smith and Sav Akyuvz
- I Don't Want to Be Big by Dev Petty; illustrated by Mike Boldt
- Is it Red? Is it Yellow? Is it Blue?: An Adventure in Color by Tana Hoban
- It's an Orange Aardvark! by Michael Hall
- Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle; illustrated by Jill McElmurry
- Little Red by Bethan Woollvin
- The Little Red Cat: (who ran away from home and learned his ABC's the hard way) by Patrick McDonnell
- The Little Red Hen: a Folk Tale Classic by Paul Galdone
- Making Plum Jam by John Warren Stewig; illustrated by Kevin O'Malley
- Maybe Something Beautiful: How Art Transformed a Neighborhood by F. Isabel Campoy and Theresa Howell; illustrated by Rafael López
- Monsters Love Colors by Mike Austin
- Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh
- Mr. Tiger Goes Wild by Peter Brown
- Night Train, Night Train by Robert Burleigh and Wendell Minor
- The Black and White Factory by Eric Telchin; illustrated by Diego Funck
- The Night World by Mordicai Gerstein
- Nothing Rhymes with Orange by Adam Rex
- Old MacDonald Had a Boat by Steve Goetz
- One by Kathryn Otoshi
- One Shoe Two Shoes by Caryl Hart; illustrated by Edward Underwood
- Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin; art by James Dean
- A Piece of Chalk by Jennifer A. Ericsson; illustrations by Michelle Shapiro
- Pinkalicious by Victoria Kann and Elizabeth Kann
- Purple Little Bird by Greg Foley
- Purplicious by Victoria Kann & Elizabeth Kann
- Red: A Crayon's Story by Michael Hall
- Red Light, Green Light by Anastasia Suen; illustrated by Ken Wilson-Max
- Sea, Sand, Me! by Patricia Hubbell; illustrated by Lisa Campbell Ernst
- A Surprise for Tiny Mouse by Petr Horáek
- There Might Be Lobsters by Carolyn Crimi; illustrated by Laurel Molk
- These Little Piggies Go to the Beach by Amy E. Sklansky; illustrated by Christine Davenier
- Vivid: Poems and Notes about Color by Julie Paschkis
- We Love Orange! by Emma O'Connell
- We Love Purple! by Richard Little
- What's Your Favorite Color? by Eric Carle and friends
- White is for Blueberry by George Shannon; pictures by Laura Dronzek
- Zigzag Zooborns!: Zoo Baby Colors and Patterns by Andrew Bleiman and Chris Eastland
Read & Rhyme
Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November;
All the rest have thirty-one,
excepting February alone;
Which has but twenty-eight days clear,
And twenty-nine in each leap year.
Original artwork by Helen Correll