About the Day By Day Project

Libraries support family literacy.  Libraries educate the whole family by providing computer and internet access, materials such as books and music, access to learning opportunities, health and wellness information, and interactions with librarians and library specialists who are dedicated to engaging young children to learn.

We, in collaboration with Ready to Read, are pleased to offer the Day By Day Family Literacy calendar, and all the resources on this site, to promote family literacy and family engagement.  The calendar has a monthly theme and unique daily entries that encompass books, songs, activities, and family health and wellness information.  Families, caregivers, educators and librarians can use Day by Day at home and in the library and classroom to further develop early literacy skills that help young children become prepared for and succeed in school.  Children will enjoy fun, positive learning experiences that support school success and, ultimately, lifelong learning.

Research shows that a parent or caregiver who spends time talking, singing, reading, and playing with their child helps to increase the child’s vocabulary, background knowledge, and an array of other skills.  Early interactions with children directly, positively affect brain development.  The calendar offers opportunities for parents and caregivers to work at home with their children, to come to the library, and to engage a variety of learning styles through reading, singing, playing, and creative activities.

Share Day By Day with Your Community

To reach families with young children, please share the Day By Day Family Literacy Calendar from your website, and with your partners and other community groups, and promote it through newsletters, blogs, and social media.


Thank you to the South Carolina State Library (SCSL) and to Denise Lyons, SCSL Director of Library Development, who created the South Carolina Day by Day Family Literacy Activity Calendar and who, with the cooperation of other individuals and organizations, made their Day by Day website files available for customization by other states. Additional thanks to the State Library of Ohio Library Programs and Development, Information Systems & Technology (IS&T), and Marketing & Communication departments’ staff, with assistance by Ohio Ready to Read, for their work rebranding the design and state-centric content to create the Day By Day Ohio Family Literacy Calendar, and special thanks to the IS&T department who developed an open source generic calendar for other states to easily access and customize.

 We dedicate this site to families across the state, and hope you use it to develop a love for books and learning that will last a lifetime.