January 2

Sing a Song

(Tune: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)

Wash, wash
Wash your hands
Wash them nice and clean.
Scrub them here (with hand motion scrubbing together)
Scrub them there (with hand motion scrubbing tops of hands)
And scrub them in between (with hand motion scrubbing between fingers).
Wash, wash, wash, your hands
Play our handy game
Rub and scrub, scrub and rub
Germs go down the drain HEY!


Wash Hands with Danielle Howle

Try This

Set a timer for 20 seconds when your child washes their hands. Also, try new scents of soaps to make it more fun. See if your child can guess what the scent is! Talk about when to wash your hands. Ask your child before and after what activities they think they should wash their hands.

Read a Book

Here are two book recommendations for today. Check out the picture book collection at your local library, where there are lots of books to choose from! Find nearby libraries

  • Germs Are Not For Sharing by Elizabeth Verdick
  • Germs Make Me Sick by Melvin Berger

Explore More

See the January Activity Calendar for many more fun, educational activities you and your child can do anytime!